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    Pegasus’ Products Nutrient Value.    
The fish organoleptic traits depends on the specie, the fish feed quality and the place – time of fishing. At Pegasus’ facilities the fish grown up in a natural environment, in law populations’ densities and are fed, according to the specifications instituted by the hydro biologist and ichthyologist of the company, by fish feeds including raw materials of sea origin. Because of the nutrition Pegasus’ products present similar to the wild fish content of proteins, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA DHA+EPA).

At the following table, is presented the intake of nutrient elements from a Pegasus’ fish portion (400 gr).
θρεπτικά στοιχεια ψαριού ΠΗΓΑΣΟΣ
Large sheet.

  The most important approach is the comparative nutrient value of basic food of animal origin connected to the price, which is paid by the consumer. At the following tables are drawn the nutrient elements’ content per 100 gr of fresh food of animal origin (meat, fish, cheese) and is compared the nutrition cost for 100 gr protein and for 1.000 mg of the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA DHA+EPA).
Large sheet.
Nutritional Issues.